The Violin

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Sneak Preview of my New Violin Reviews!

Lookie lookie what has arrived (insert squeal of delight)! Three new violins for me to open, inspect, tune, play on, and wtite about! It is birthday season at my house and my girls are due for upsizing their instruments anyways. So, I figured why not share the hunt for the perfect violin with my readers? I only had two stipulations for these violin reviews, each instrument had to cost under $200.00 (perferrably closer to $150). The second rule was that I would only share instruments that sounded good and that I myself would keep for my own kids. We're gettin' real here folks!  

Now, you must know how difficult the first rule of thumb was for me to obey. I only own 3 pairs of heels/pumps....THREE! I'm not a vain spendy person. In fact, I'm very much the opposite. My husband has been in school and training for eleven years with one more ahead of us. Which means eleven years of not having a real job. I know what it means to cut corners, and say no to spending money. In fact, there was this one time that I went without buying body wash for two whole weeks because I had alread spent my budget for the month (for the record, I am clean and smelling fresh now). I may be thrifty in every other area, BUT when it comes to buying violins I am not. I am vain, picky, and spendy! I have always told my readers to plan on spending atleast $200.00, and that's what I've always done myself. It is just hard to find a nice violin for less than that. For the record, I'm still pretty adament about that. If you have more money to spend than $150.00....DO IT! Violins totally follow the saying, "You get what you pay for"! However, since I also know what it's like to have a tight budget and because I'm a firm believe that every child should have the opportunity to play an instrument, I am here to offer you three affordable (and pretty darn good) violins to choose from! 

Stay Tuned....In Depth Violin Reviews Coming SOON! 

In the meantime, check out our other violin review pages. 

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