The Violin

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Bow Hand Mini Series - Shape

So, I'm pretty excited to be the first one (only one actually, unless my husband leaked to the press) to tell you about our new violin how-to bow hand mini series! Wow, that's a mouthful, or in my case a fingerful, especially since I'm so excited I can barely type right now. 

This mini series consists of 3 episodes of short (5 minute) violin lessons specifically geared towards holding the bow. I will be releasing one per week for the next three weeks and then they will all be archived permanently in our soon to be renovated how-to pages for easy access. If you like this video and want to see more mini series like this one, then for Pete's sake let me know by liking the video, liking this post, leaving a comment, or sharing on pinterest or facebook! 

This first video focuses on the 'shape' of the right hand, a.k.a the bow hand. Each video will have a different focus and comes with exercises to work on throughout the week. This lesson will help you hold the bow like a professional and with ease. All of what I discuss today can be done off the violin bow and with a pencil. Sometimes taking a step back from the instrument can be a healthy and helpful way to perfect the tricky parts of playing the violin.


Attention parents: I made this video with you in mind! Helping your little student get their bow hand perfect is one of the biggest, hardest, most important things that can happen in their playing from the very beginning. Please refer to this video often or have your student watch throughout the week and in between their violin lessons to become a super star bow holder.